just let go of the things that hold you back

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I miss you winter

Living in Souther California all my life, you would probably figure that by now i should be used to the change in weather so often. I was truly enjoying the calm summer weather we where having, not surpassing 85 degrees. It was perfect summer weather. . . . Until yesterday, are the heat waves here now?! Blehhhh and with my cast on i feel double the heat. I have been counting the days for cold days :) but meanwhile, i might as well hibernate and drink lots of fluids to keep myself hydrated.
P.S. Sorry for the long gap between my posts i was. . . . .LAZY.

1 comment:

  1. The heat wave was horrible, but it seems to be cooling off now!

    Just came across your blog! Lovely!

